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Destined to be your Destination… (Part 1)

Destination Weddings

By Jaclyn Ianetti

Destination Wedding: Any wedding in which the engaged couple and/or a majority of their guests travel to attend the ceremony.

A certain and sure way to differentiate yourself in the quest for a perfect wedding is to…close your eyes…pick a spot on the map…and pack up your bags.

Yup, pack them up and jaunt out of town.  If you’re destined to have a destination wedding, the travel bug bites you often as you love to explore different cultures and adventure off into exotic backdrops.  So imagine exchanging vows in a striking setting.  Tempting…isn’t it?

Whether you plan on going for just a few days or a whole month long is completely up to you and your fiancé.  Do you want a big reception or one with more of an intimate vibe?  These are important topics to be considered.

…What makes the destination wedding so wonderful is that you can even stay for your honeymoon, while the rest of your guests travel back home.  A 2-in-1 package deal!  Wedding and honeymoon all in one spot!

Downside to Destination

Planning a destination wedding is a huge undertaking that can contain both pros and cons, whether you’re having an intimate affair or an elaborate gala fit for a queen.  Expenses are what will discourage many couples from pursuing a destination wedding.

One of the downfalls of a destination wedding is that it may be more affordable to the couple, but more expensive to family and friends.  Can all of the people whom you wish to share your wedding day with you…family and dear loved ones…afford to take off work, and still pay the price of airfare, hotel rooms, etc.?  These people who you really wish to be at your wedding…those closest to your heart…might not be able to attend due to price limitations and financial boundaries.

It could also be a challenge to control all aspects such as flowers, music, photography, etc. when you’re out of your zone in a different part of the world.


Read Part 2 and Part 3

This article brought to you by Aleana’s Bridal Shop located in the town of Paramus, NJ – Bergen County. Bridal shop that will help you design the dress of your dreams. Please schedule your first appointment at Aleanasbridal.com.

Married Hearts… First Valentine’s Day (Part 2)

Read Part 1 first

Activities and Ideas

When Valentine’s Day rolls around, couples who just got married, or who have even been married for years, often view it as a holiday for young lovers – those who are dating,

But you, my dear, are newly married…and that is a cause for celebration.  I’m sure you have had your share of dates on V-Day all those years leading up until your marriage.  But that’s no excuse for just exchanging greeting cards and quick pecks on the cheek.  Don’t you dare lose that spark!  Keep those V-Days of the past alive and get creative.

You will want to schedule an intimate evening with your partner.  And this doesn’t need to involve an exotic trip, expensive jewelry, or even a visit to your favorite restaurant…but go ahead and indulge if you’re feeling up to it.

Staying in?  Or headed out?  If you prefer a low-key kind of night as a couple, escape with popping some long or short films focusing on love in the DVD player.  Give yourselves the type of entertainment that will heal your heart and soothe your soul on this heart-warming holiday.

Why not plan a private, fun, and delicious picnic the two of you can enjoy together?  This does require nice, warm weather if you‘re thinking of sitting on the grass…so I guess it depends on what part of the world your love nest resides.  There are plenty of other options, including holding your picnic indoors in your very own house, while still organizing it as if you were going to spend some time outside under the trees.  Break out a special blanket, an insulated wine tote, and other picnic accessories and think about creative ways to fill them.  Make your own appetizers or order food in.   Throw some fancy, fluffy pillows down on the floor by the fireplace…sit on some yoga mats with candles lit around…and even throw in the old-school game of Twister to playfully spice things up.  Include background music, perhaps something from when you first met or the timeframe in which you were dating.  Maybe even include the “first dance” song at your wedding reception.

If you desire an evening out, perhaps  a favorite restaurant, Broadway play, or concert of choice will be some options.  If you’re a young-at-heart type, embrace the inner-child out and go out clubbing, bar-hopping, or to your favorite karaoke spot.  Bring your glow ring pops out with you and light up the dance floor at your favorite DJ’s weekend event.

Read Part 3 and Part 4.

This article brought to you by Aleana’s Bridal Shop located in the town of Paramus, NJ – Bergen County. Bridal shop that will help you design the dress of your dreams.

Married Hearts… First Valentine’s Day (Part 3)

Read first Part 1 and Part 2

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As a newlywed couple, make a point to bring more cerebral activity into your bond whether your staying on the couch…or hopping in the car for a night out.  Pop a documentary into the DVD player instead of watching mindless fluff or go to a lecture or self-development workshop or other thought-(and conversation-) provoking event that is uplifting, positive, and spiritual.  Discover your amour in a new light by engaging in something different, and captivating.

The first year being married on special occasions is a stellar time for hanging out in a group setting, which will also enrich your bond.  Watching everyone from each entourage mix will be a refreshing experience.  A kindred spirit vibe is bound to emerge!  How about co-hosting a game night or casual dinner party to bring everyone together?  Or get out and join a winter league of co-ed sports.  The couple that plays together, stays together…as the old adage goes.

Just make your number 1 priority to enjoy your evening, whether in private or in public, and take some time to think about setting the mood and you’ll no doubt have a memorable time together and even create a new tradition of which you can repeat in the future on holidays, special occasions, and perhaps on another Valentine’s Day.

ALARM!  AVOID TIP :  And no swinging bats at heart piñatas !…it’s only your first year married!  Save the tantrums, if you must have them, for your later years!  (Kidding.  Ditch the tantrums, your mature and married now, right?)

Continue Part 4.

This article brought to you by Aleana’s Bridal Shop located in the town of Paramus, NJ – Bergen County. Bridal shop that will help you design the dress of your dreams.