How to shop for a wedding dress (Part 2)

Read Part 1 first

This article brought to you by Aleana’s Bridal shop, Paramus, NJ

*Bring some friends along with you… but a small group of 2-3 people to avoid an overwhelming number of differing opinions.  Plus, some bridal stores may not even have the room capacity to fit your whole posse…so keep it small to keep it comfortable for everybody.  Your bridesmaids would be best for some moral support.  If not, just bring your favorite female family member…mom, grandma, godmother, aunt, etc.  It’s important to pick a person, or people, whose advice you appreciate and style you admire most.  You want somebody who truly supports, knows, and loves you, so their honest opinion of what you look best in is what you will trust most.

TIP! : Make first time ventures to the bridal stores fun & free from expectations by bring a really great girlfriend with you.  If you take the pressure off, you can enjoy it as an adventure as you begin to see what is out there.  The “real” visits should be saved with your mom or whoever you plan to involve in the final decision making process.  Do the groundwork, narrow down your preferences, and then proceed with a more defined idea of what you’re looking for…with giving yourself plenty of time to explore.

*Bring your flexibility along…your highest form of open-mindedness!  Listen to your loved ones’ advice and be open to the possibilities that the store offers you.  Most people who work in bridal shops are experts on their stock and what styles suit which body types, so stay open to what they have to offer you!


You may a have a certain style in mind…like a sultry fish tail gown, but maybe that silk & simple princess cut dress that the sales assistant suggests looks ten times better on you.  Maybe you’re trying to find a dress to “conceal” certain parts of your body, but you find a gown that celebrates your curves instead of downplaying them.  The best looking gown will be one that accentuates your best assets.

Continue with Part 3 and Part 4